
The Quifd agency offers a forum for providers of domestic and international volunteer services where they can exchange ideas on quality and continuously develop themselves further. At the centre of this is the system of self-evaluation and external evaluation, on the basis of which the Quifd quality seal is awarded.

Volunteer services are a special form of civic engagement, and the improvement of quality must also take these special features into account.

Special features of volunteer services at a glance

Quifd offers a quality system that is specifically geared towards volunteer services. The special feature is that the criteria by which quality in volunteer service is measured were developed together with representatives from the field.

Linking self-evaluation and external evaluation

The quality system is based on a combination of self-evaluation and external evaluation. So that organisations can develop their quality further, Quifd offers them a tool for evaluating their own structures and processes. Thanks to the external appraisal which forms part of the certification process, the organisations receive objective feedback from the appraisers as well as the quality seal. This makes the common quality of the certified organisations visible.


Practicality and suitability for everyday use

The Quifd agency works closely with experts from the field to create and further develop the quality manuals and standards so as to ensure the greatest possible suitability for everyday use. The framework conditions, placement and funding options as well as the needs of volunteers change, which is why the criteria for successful volunteer services are constantly reviewed to ensure relevance and completeness.

Application that is independent of programmes

The quality system can be applied to all volunteer service formats, regardless of whether they are state-funded programmes or services under private law, and whether they are at home or abroad. The quality standards also apply to incoming volunteer services.

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Die Agentur Quifd vergibt an Träger von Freiwilligendiensten ein Siegel. Das Qualitätssiegel steht für Transparenz und Vergleichbarkeit.

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Wer einen Freiwilligendienst leistet, hat Anspruch auf gute Organisation und Begleitung seines Engagements. Klare Rahmenbedingungen helfen sowohl den Freiwilligen als auch den beteiligten Organisationen.

Gremien Gremien

Ziele der Zertifizierung

Die Zertifizierung unterstützt die Qualitätsentwicklung von Anbietern von Freiwilligendiensten und macht das Erreichte nach außen sichtbar.